
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My little cows

I have a thing for whimsy, it makes me chuckle. Years ago, I started this little collection of ceramic cows. Three of them are cream pitchers and the two little ones is a set of salt and pepper shakers. I found them again as we were sorting through boxes and moving things in and out of the closet and attic. The kids thought it was hilarious using them to pour milk on their cereal this morning.

We're having the big move today. The littlest man just went off to Gramma's for the afternoon so we could finish moving stuff and start to paint. You never realize how much stuff you have until you start moving it. The kids are excited and last night went up the stairs with little piles of toys and down the stairs with little piles of clothes.

I also have the cutest little antique teapot set in the attic somewhere and part of me wants to find it. It's a little whimsy too as it looks like grapes. The rational part knows that finding it will mean that Em will want to use it. I did find her another little tea set that she can play with in her new room that wouldn't break my heart so much if it accidentially (or not so accidentally) got broken.

Back before I had kids and had disposable income, I used to go to auctions or thrifting almost every weekend and find little things like these cows, and tea pots and tea cups and bowls and dishes and furniture.

Here's a little fact about me...with the exception of new box springs and mattresses, I have never bought a piece of new furniture from a furniture store. You can pretty much imagine our house is a little bit full of whimsy and mish mash.  :)


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