
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Baby Turkeys Hatching

I went out with the kids tonight to do chores and we made a beautiful discovery. Our hen was hatching out her babies plus a chicken (one of the wandering chickens laid an egg in there one day and we just left it).

Two that just came out of their shells.

The cracked egg on the left was wiggling and working its way out.

Here she is telling me to back off and scooting her fresh babies under her.

And these two had to be kicked out of the "delivery room" because they were being pain in the butts. So instead they decided to stand outside the window and bark and strut.  Men!  ;)

They'll all be a cross. We had breeding pairs but we had a problem with fox a couple years back and hadn't replaced any until this year. We do have another Bourbon Red and three Narragansett. These babies will be a cross between a Royal Palm (mother) and either a Bourban Red or Narragansett.



  1. I love seeing these pictures. I'm hoping to have chickens and ducks by next spring. Now that I see your turkeys I'm thinking I'd like to have a few of those too. :-) My parents had turkeys when I was a kid.

  2. Rose,
    Our turkeys are very social, more so than the chickens! They've been known to go on walks up through the fields with us! Definately worth it. :)

  3. wow! way neat! love the pictures too! I found your blog through a link party from a dress you did and had to stay and look around. I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! thanks!
