
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bulking up the underroos - Tutorial

One of my most popular posts is when I showed my bulked up underroos. Now I'm back to bulking up some more underwear, but we're not quite ready for potty training with the babe yet. However, he is getting quite the rashes from his diaper and the summer heat so we're bulking up some underwear since his favorite place is outside, anytime, anywhere, with anyone, no matter the weather.

Start by gathering your supplies. I'm using some leftover zorb blanks and some diaper flannel and of course some underwear (which I prewashed, although I'm not sure if it's necessary with underwear but I did it anyways). You'll also need a marking pen and some pins. My favorite marking pens are crayola washable markers. I used to buy fancy sewing marking pens but with kids they always seemed to disappear and I haven't had any issues with the marker not coming out of the fabric.

Since I also made some fleece covers, I didn't line them with a layer of PUL. So if you want that additional layer for potty training, you'll also need some PUL scraps.

Start by making a pattern. I fold the underwear in half and lined up with the blank that was also folded in half.

Pin and mark the lines. The cross line will be used for marking the front and back.

I laid the underwear out on the cross mark, folded down the waistband to find the front and back length.

Lay the new soaker inside the underwear to see if it's a good fit and make any necessary adjustments. Once you have a good fit, use this piece to make a template for your other soaker pieces.

Fold your underwear inside out.

Pin your soaker pieces. Carefully sew around the outside of the soaker. Make sure you don't catch the other side of the underwear. Not that I've done this or anything, but it might be a possibility, especially if you're sewing with young children. Just sayin'.

I use a zig-zag stitch.

Ta-da! You're bulked up underroos!

The soaker material is entirely preference. I used what I had on hand. If you're using just flannel, I would use several pieces.


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