
Monday, October 3, 2011


The farmer dug up horseradish root on Saturday. And it's been sitting on the kitchen counter giving me the stink eye because I wasn't really sure what to do with it. So this morning I've been digging around the internet learning about horseradish. Which isn't an easy thing to do since most of the "recipes" I found were for horseradish sauce.

The concensus I found was to grind the mixture to a consistency you like and add a mixture of vinegar and water. The vinegar keeps it from turning brown. Then it can be stored in a jar in the refridgerator for 4-6 weeks or stored in the freezer.

So this morning I tackled the horseradish. I peeled it with a potatoe peeler and cut it into chunks. I used a solution of 50-50 water-vinegar and added just enough to get it somewhat finely processed. I only have a little 2 cup food processor so it didn't get as fine or smooth as I wanted it. I'll borrow my mom's to do the rest of the root.

I transferred the ground up horseradish into a jelly jar to store in the fridge. There's quite a bit more horseradish to dig up so I'll have to find more uses for it. I know it's good in a Bloody Mary but since I have a Bloody Mary about once a year it would take a long time to use up all of it! It's also good with roast and prime rib! In my research this morning I saw where people would put a tablespoon into gravy and cranberry sauce and it's not supposed to get hot and saucy but give it a nice flavor. I will definately be trying that because the Farmer loves gravy and I love cranberry sauce.

There was one guy who said he put a tablespoon in vanilla ice cream...

By far, the quickest and easiest garden project this summer!


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